Thursday, September 13, 2007

Psalms : Lord's Day 09/16/2007 A.D. : Charlotte

11:00 a.m.

For this coming Lord's Day, D.V.

Click on the passage reference for words.
Click on the tune name to play the tune.

Psalm 103:1-7, London New 82, CM
Psalm 103:8-15, Kilmarnock 79, CM

Yours in Christ's service,


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Psalm Sing, 03/28/2008 (D.V.), Charlotte NC area

Presbyterian Reformed Church of Charlotte will hold our next Psalm Sing, D.V. at

Matthews Community Center
100 E. McDowell Street
Matthews, NC

7:00 P.M.
Friday March 28, 2008 A.D.

The Psalm Sing lasts about an hour and a half and
includes a message by Pastor Worrell on an aspect of the
Psalms. Fellowship and light refreshments will follow.