Friday, July 20, 2007

Psalms : Lord's Day 07/22/2007 A.D.

For this coming Lord's Day, D.V. Click on the tune name to play the tune.

Psalm 145 (II): 1-8, Doversdale 4, LM
Psalm 51:8-15 St. Kilda 116, LM


Psalm 145
David’s Psalm of praise

Psalm 145 (II):12-22, Doversdale 4, LM

1 O Lord, thou art my God and King;
Thee will I magnify and praise:
I will thee bless, and gladly sing
Unto thy holy name always.

2 Each day I rise I will thee bless,
And praise thy name time without end.
3 Much to be prais'd, and great God is;
His greatness none can comprehend.

4 Race shall thy works praise unto race,
The mighty acts show done by thee.
5 I will speak of the glorious grace,
And honour of thy majesty;

Thy wondrous works I will record.
6 By men the might shall be extoll'd
Of all thy dreadful acts, O Lord:
And I thy greatness will unfold.

7 They utter shall abundantly
The mem'ry of thy goodness great;
And shall sing praises cheerfully,
Whilst they thy righteousness relate.

8 The Lord our God is gracious,
Compassionate is he also;
In mercy he is plenteous,
But unto wrath and anger slow.


Psalm 51
A Song of degrees.

Psalm 51:1-8, St. Kilda 116, CM

8 Of gladness and of joyfulness
make me to hear the voice;
That so these very bones which thou
hast broken may rejoice.
9 All mine iniquities blot out,
thy face hide from my sin.
10 Create a clean heart, Lord, renew
a right sp'rit me within.
11 Cast me not from thy sight, nor take
thy Holy Sp'rit away.
12 Restore me thy salvation's joy;
with thy free Sp'rit me stay.

13 Then will I teach thy ways unto
those that transgressors be;
And those that sinners are shall then
be turned unto thee.

14 O God, of my salvation God,
me from blood-guiltiness
Set free; then shall my tongue aloud
sing of thy righteousness.
15 My closed lips, O Lord, by thee
let them be opened;
Then shall thy praises by my mouth
abroad be published.

Yours in Christ's service,

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