Saturday, July 14, 2007

Psalms : Lord's Day 07/15/2007 A.D.

For this coming Lord's Day, D.V. Click on the tune name to play the tune.

Psalm 25 (II): 12-22, Coleshill 42, CM.
Psalm 130:1-8 Martyrdom 85, CM.

Martyrdom is a very familiar tune. We tend to hurry through it. Please sing this Psalm prayerfully. There are no grace notes in the 2nd line.

Psalm 25
A Psalm of David

Psalm 25 (II):12-22, Coleshill 42, CM.

12 What man fears God? him shall he teach
the way that he shall chuse.
13 His soul shall dwell at ease; his seed
the earth, as heirs, shall use.

14 The sec-ret of the Lord is with
such as do fear his name;
And he his holy co-ven-ant
will man-i-fest to them.

15 To-wards the Lord my wait-ing eyes
Con-tin-u-ly are set;
For he it is that shall bring forth
my feet out of the net.

16 O turn thee un-to me, O God,
have mer-cy me up-on;
Be-cause I sol-i-tar-y am,
and in af-flic-tion.

17 Enlarg'd the griefs are of mine heart;
me from dis-tress re-lieve.
18 See mine af-flict-ion and my pain,
and all my sins for-give.

19 Con-sid-er thou mine en-em-ies,
Be-cause they many are;
And it a cr-uel hat-red is
which they a-gainst me bear.

20 O do thou keep my soul; O God,
do thou de-liv-er me:
Let me not be asham'd; for I
do put my trust in thee.

21 O let in-teg-ri-ty and truth
keep me, who thee at-tend.
22 Re-demp-tion, Lord, to Is-ra-el
from all his trou-bles send.

Psalm 130
A Song of degrees.

Psalm 130:1-8, Martyrdom 85, CM.

1 Lord, from the depths to thee I cry'd.
2 My voice, Lord, do thou hear:
Un-to my sup-pli-ca-tion's voice
give an at-tent-ive ear.

3 Lord, who shall stand, if thou, O Lord,
should'st mark in-i-qui-ty?
4 But yet with thee for-give-ness is,
that fear'd thou may-est be.

5 I wait for God, my soul doth wait,
my hope is in his word.
6 More than they that for morn-ing watch,
my soul waits for the Lord;

I say, more than they that do watch
the morn-ing light to see.
7 Let Is-ra-el hope in the Lord,
for with him mer-cies be;

And plen-te-ous re-demp-tion
is ev-er found with him.
8 And from all his in-i-qui-ties
he Isr'el shall re-deem.

You probably noticed the pauses, or fermatas, that occur in each of these tunes.

This is the “birdseye” symbol that we see at the end of lines 1 and 3 in Coleshill.In Martyrdom they are placed at the end of lines 2 and 4.

We will pause, not quite as long as suggested by the MIDI playback.

Yours in Christ's service,

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